Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Sending of the assignment...

Today, Me and my friends handed off our assignment 3, the one that we needed to create 4 lesson plans for 4 required skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing). Well, burning the midnight oil was the first thing I did for these piles of lesson plan (hehe..). Now, I knew that, it's not easy to create a quality lesson plan. Plus, what we have written on it could be 'changed'; which means it might be during the teaching and learning process, something could happen and it needs us to change our lesson plan. That's why, in my opinion, and I guess same goes to all of the others, backup plan is very, very important in order to cover up the teaching process. Frankly, while doing the lesson plan for 4 skills, I was not sure whether they suit the level of my pupils or not. I thought that mine were having mix level of difficulties. Even though the topic 'Glorious Food' was seen quite easy at first, but when I was in the process of creating them (LP), it was not that easy.
When I had finished doing all of that stuffs, I felt relieved but something kept wondering in my mind, 'Can all of these LPs be used in the real teaching classroom??' And I really hope the answer will be a YES. Maybe there will be some of the changes can be made to my LPs to suit the needs of learners later.